Ftp File Server

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  1. Ftp File Server Movies
  2. Ftp File Server Software
  3. Ftp File Server
  4. Best Ftp Client Windows 10
  5. Windows 10 Ftp Software

An FTP server is a computer which has a file transfer protocol (FTP) address and is dedicated to receiving an FTP connection. An FTP server needs a TCP/IP network for functioning and is dependent on usage of dedicated servers with one or more FTP clients. For FTP, you need to check the FTP Service box otherwise you won't have the option to create an FTP server. Click OK and then click Next. Windows will go ahead and install the necessary IIS files along with the FTP service.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used to communicate and transfer files between computers on a TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) network, aka the internet. Users, who have been granted access, can receive and transfer files in the File Transfer Protocol server (also known as FTP host/site). The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server. FTP stands for 'File Transfer Protocol.' It's one of the oldest standard file transfer protocols in use today for moving files between a client and server on a network. FTP server software offers access to a directory and sub-directory files.

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Logic AppsStandardAll Logic Apps regions and Integration Service Environments (ISEs)
Power AutomateStandardAll Power Automate regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
Power AppsStandardAll Power Apps regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
Connector Metadata

The FTP Connector requires that the FTP Server be accessible from the cloud and set up to accept PASSIVE mode. The FTP connector doesn't support implicit TLS/SSL configuration. If secure FTP should be used, it should be configured as explicit TLS/SSL.

Trigger limits

The triggers work by polling the FTP file system, and looking for any file which has been modified since the last poll, comparing files by modification time. Certain tools allow the file modification time to be preserved. In such cases, you need to disable the feature for your trigger to work. Here are some common settings:

FTP clientAction
WinSCPOptions → Preferences… → Transfer → Edit… → Preserve timestamp → Disable
FileZillaTransfer → Preserve timestamps of transferred files → Disable

When the triggers encounter a new file, it will try to ensure that the new file is completely written. For instance, it is possible that the file is being written or modified, and updates are being made at the time the trigger polled the file server. To avoid returning a file with partial content, the trigger will take note of the timestamp such files which are modified recently, but will not immediately return those files. Those files will be returned only when the trigger polls again. Sometimes, this may lead a delay up to twice the trigger polling interval. This also means that the trigger does not guarantee to return all files in a single run when 'Split On' option is disabled.

The trigger 'When a file is added or modified' doesn't pick up files over 50MB if the content is asked for. If files over 50MB should be processed with retrieving the content, the trigger 'When a file is added or modified (properties only)' can be used followed by the 'Get file content' operation.

The trigger does not fire if a file is added/updated in a subfolder. If it is required to trigger on subfolders, multiple triggers should be created.

Make sure that ftp server LIST command is set up to return 'year' component for the file timestamps older than 6 months.


FTP connector requires the following commands to be enabled on FTP server as the implementation for various actions use these commands:

  • APPE
  • DELE
  • RETR
  • MDTM
  • SIZE
  • LIST
  • STOR

Also, the FTP server should support folder names with whitespace in it for the commands mentioned above.On some FTP servers, such as ProFTPd, it is required to enable NoSessionReuseRequired option when working on TLS/SSL mode.

Create File operation behavior

The behavior depends on the Allow chunking option in the action settings and the size of a file being created:

  • If the Allow chunking option is enabled:
    • If the file size is equal or less than 50MB the connector uploads the file within a single request using the original file name, and the file is being locked while uploading.
    • If the file size is greater than 50MB the connector creates the file with the following name format: ..ms.partial and uploads it within multiple requests. Once the last chunk is uploaded, the connector renames the file to the original file name.
  • If the Allow chunking option is disabled:
    • The connector uploads the file within a single request using the original file name, and the file is being locked while uploading.

Connector in-depth

For more information about the connector, see the in-dept section.

General Limits

Maximum number of folders in a single archive. This limit only applies when 'Create folders?' is set to 'Yes'.16

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

DefaultRequired parameters for creating connection.All regions


Applicable: All regions

Required parameters for creating connection.

Server AddressstringServer Address
User NamestringUser Name
FTP Server PortintFTP Port Number (example: 21)
Enable SSL?boolEnable SSL? (True/False)
Binary Transport?boolEnable Binary Transport? (True/False)
Disable Certificate Validation?boolDisable Certificate Validation? (True/False)
Close connection after request completionboolClose FTP connection everytime after request completes? (True/False)

Throttling Limits

NameCallsRenewal Period
API calls per connection90060 seconds


Copy file

This operation copies a file to an FTP server. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was copied, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming newly created file.

Create file

This operation creates a file. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was created, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming newly created file.

Delete file

This operation deletes a file.

Extract archive to folder

This operation extracts an archive file into a folder (example: .zip).

Get file content

This operation gets the content of a file.

Get file content using path

This operation gets the content of a file using the file path.

Get file metadata

This operation gets the metadata for a file.

Get file metadata using path

This operation gets the metadata of a file using the file path.

List files in folder

This operation gets the list of files and subfolders in a folder.

List files in root folder

This operation gets the list of files and subfolders in the root folder.

Update file

This operation updates a file. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was updated, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming recently updated file.

Copy file

This operation copies a file to an FTP server. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was copied, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming newly created file.


source True string

Url to source file

Destination file path
destination True string

Destination file path, including target filename

overwrite boolean

Overwrites the destination file if set to 'true'


Blob metadata


Create file

This operation creates a file. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was created, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming newly created file.


folderPath True string

Select a folder

File name
name True string

Name of the file

body True binary

Content of the file

Get all file metadata
ReadFileMetadataFromServer boolean

Get all file metadata from the SFTP server after file creation is complete. If this is false, some metadata properties may not be returned such as last modified time, etc.


Blob metadata

Delete file

This operation deletes a file. Not rar archive no files to extract.


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id True string

Select a file

Extract archive to folder

This operation extracts an archive file into a folder (example: .zip).


source True string

Path to the archive file

Destination folder path
destination True string

Path to the destination folder

overwrite boolean

Overwrites the destination files if set to 'true'

Create folders?
createFolders boolean

Extracts folders from archive if set to 'true'


Get file content

This operation gets the content of a file.


id True string

Select a file

Infer Content Type
inferContentType boolean

Infer content-type based on extension


Ftp File Server Movies

The content of the file.

Get file content using path

This operation gets the content of a file using the file path.


path True string

Select a file

Infer Content Type
inferContentType boolean

Infer content-type based on extension


The content of the file.

Get file metadata

This operation gets the metadata for a file.


id True string

Select a file


Blob metadata


Get file metadata using path

This operation gets the metadata of a file using the file path.


path True string

Select a file


Blob metadata Studio fix powder plus foundation review.


Ftp File Server Software

List files in folder

This operation gets the list of files and subfolders in a folder.


id True string

Select a folder


Ftp File Server

array of BlobMetadata

List files in root folder

This operation gets the list of files and subfolders in the root folder.


Update file

This operation updates a file. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was updated, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming recently updated file.


id True string

Select a file

File content
body True binary

Content of the file


Blob metadata


When a file is added or modified (properties only)

This operation triggers a flow when one or more files are added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you can use the 'Get file content' operation. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. The trigger does not fire if a file is added/updated in a subfolder. If it is required to trigger on subfolders, multiple triggers should be created.

When a file is added or modified [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. The trigger will fetch both the file metadata as well as the content of the file. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. Files larger than 50 megabytes are skipped by the trigger. The trigger does not fire if a file is added/updated in a subfolder. If it is required to trigger on subfolders, multiple triggers should be created.

When a file is added or modified (properties only)

This operation triggers a flow when one or more files are added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you can use the 'Get file content' operation. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. The trigger does not fire if a file is added/updated in a subfolder. If it is required to trigger on subfolders, multiple triggers should be created.


folderId True string

Select a folder

Number of files
maxFileCount integer

Max file count (1-100)


Blob metadata

Best Ftp Client Windows 10

When a file is added or modified [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. The trigger will fetch both the file metadata as well as the content of the file. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. Files larger than 50 megabytes are skipped by the trigger. The trigger does not fire if a file is added/updated in a subfolder. If it is required to trigger on subfolders, multiple triggers should be created.


folderId True string

Select a folder

Include file content
includeFileContent boolean

If set to true, file content will also be retrieved along with the trigger response

inferContentType boolean

Infer content-type based on extension


The content of the file.

File Content


Windows 10 Ftp Software


Blob metadata

Id string

The unique id of the file or folder.

Name string

The name of the file or folder.

DisplayName string

The display name of the file or folder.

Path string

The path of the file or folder.

LastModified date-time

The date and time the file or folder was last modified.

Size integer

The size of the file or folder.

MediaType string

The media type of the file or folder.

IsFolder boolean

A boolean value (true, false) to indicate whether or not the blob is a folder.

ETag string

The etag of the file or folder.

FileLocator string

The filelocator of the file or folder.


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